Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The first of many lists of things I hate

While this list in NO WAY is even the tip of the “Things Jen Hates” iceberg, these are the things that have been on my mind today as being especially obnoxious.

First, these ridiculous photos of cats with misspelled words, like this:
Seriously, you can't just stick a “Z” on the end of any random word. This is not English. While I'm at it, “Da” is not a word, “the” is. “Mah” or “Meh” are not words either- it's “my” and “me”. Oh yeah, and we can't just add letters to words either- for example “I Looooovvveeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu” Yes, I have actually seen this- Poor, Broken English is the official language of Facebook, Is it really that hard to spell correctly? For christ's sake- even my PHONE has spell check. There's no excuse. It's not cute and it makes me hate you.

Next on my list- Women with words on their butt:

OK, I know this one is just a cartoon, but we've all seen them. I don't want to read your ass. Because seriously, if you have to print “Sexy” across your ass- chance are, you're not. Oh yeah, and “Juicy”? Honey, get yourself to a doctor- that is NOT normal!

Hipsters. I know, I know- it's almost as trendy to hate them as it is to BE them, but I just can't stand anyone who takes themselves this seriously. And for anyone who isn't sure what I'm talking about, here's an excellent description, first published in Time Magazine, June 2009:

"Hipsters are the friends who sneer when you cop to liking Coldplay. They're the people who wear t-shirts silk-screened with quotes from movies you've never heard of and the only ones in America who still thinkPabst Blue Ribbon is a good beer. They sport cowboy hats and berets and think Kanye West stole their sunglasses. Everything about them is exactingly constructed to give off the vibe that they just don't care."

Exactly. If you don't care, then why in the FUCK are you trying so hard to convince me you don't care?

Neck Tattoos. Nothing screams “trashy” in quite the way a neck tattoo does. Bonus points if it's the name of your ex...

The last thing I hate today needs no real explanation except to say "I was at Walmart..."

People, it is not that hard to dress your children before they leave the house.  Seriously, nothing disgusts me more than parents who take their babies (or in this case, toddlers) out in public wearing nothing but a diaper.  Our children are PEOPLE and deserve the same basic care we give ourselves before we leave the house.


  1. hilarious! probably not enough bandwidth for the rest of your list....

  2. um, no probably not. This was just what occurred to me while I was driving home the other night. So I guess it should have been "things that I hate on Monday"
