Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dear Sadly Neglected Blog,
umm... Well this is how I picture it and since it's my blog I'll do what I want!
I do have a good excuse for my absence, if it helps at all...
Excuse #1: Tyler got sick again. He spent a week at Children's Hospital, then came home for a week, then spent a week in a hospital in Youngstown. Seeing how that is an hour away from here, that made for quite the horrific experience. Wish I could say he's "better" but.... well, every day is a struggle for him. While I don't feel any need to vomit his personal details all over the internet, I also don't think there is any reason to hide his condition. The official dx is "major depressive disorder, recurrent, with psychosis." The most important thing to say about this is he is NOT psychotic. The depression is so severe, it causes psychotic symptoms. He will be ok, but it will be a life long struggle for him. We're doing what we can to support him; but it is damn near impossible to be a good support system to someone who alternates between being desperately afraid to leave your side one minute and the next despises you with a homicidal rage that seems beyond human.
Excuse #2:
I got a second job. So I'm working 3 days a week at the promotional products distributor and 2-3 days a week at a retail store. The store is pretty special- it's a "high end boutique" that specializes in crystals, jewelry, hand made truffles and henna. We do events weekly that include henna body art, palm readings and tarot card readings. It has a strong internet presence, and a very passionate local following. Oh yeah, and there are ghosts. So I'm loving it. It's great that I've got this opportunity to have 2 jobs that are so wildly different, but I sincerely enjoy them both.
Excuse #3:
How about just the fact that I have a husband, 3 kids, 3 pets and a house? They all need constant attention and there are only so many hours in a day! If you truly feel your life isn't complete without the benefit of my daily blogging, I suggest you get your ass over here and do a load of laundry... Or dishes.. I'm not picky, just come clean something please! And on your way, stop at the grocery store- we've been eating out every day for the past month because I just can't manage to drag my lazy self to the store.
Well, I could keep making excuses, but I think you get the idea. Instead of figuring out how to put an amusing spin on my daily interactions with the fucktards of the world, I'm spending the little bit of time I have to myself in the evenings watching re-runs of "Roseanne" and stuffing my face with nachos. And oh yeah, it's rained for a month. Nothing sucks the sense of humor out of me faster than dreary, cold rain.
My next venture is attempting to do henna body art. I will post photos so you can all laugh at my feeble attempts at creating art. My sweet daughter has volunteered to be a human canvas for me- poor little girl has no idea momma can't even draw stick figures!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Some Music-y Thoughts On A Rainy Day
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Who Wants To Analyze My Dream?
Monday, February 28, 2011
So I knew I'd slack off
Tyler spent 2 weeks convinced he was dying. Literally screaming in pain, clutching his stomach, can't walk/talk/breathe kind of pain. After 3 doctor's office trips and 2 ER visits, this is what we were told....
"He has a UTI".... but wait, after 3 days of antibiotics and 2 urinalysis, no he doesn't.
"He has a kidney stone"... no, not right either- no stone on ultrasound or xray
"We're calling a surgeon, it's his appendix. Have dad leave work, we'll be operating within the hour" ... Oh wait- change of plans- with no fever, rebound pain, or abnormal labs, surgery doesn't want to touch him.
"Well, the xray showed he's constipated... Or it might be an intestinal blockage. Give him miralax- but if he throws up or gets a fever get back here ASAP or he'll die" Seriously, this is what I was told.
2 days of miralax and one toilet that needed a priest to exercise it before anyone else could use it; things are looking better for Ty. So apparently he really was full of shit... just like I've been telling him for years!
Through all of this, we learned he has a urethral stricture and will need to have that fixed. This involved a minor surgery on his penis. We will try first to do it with a local numbing cream in the office- but if that doesn't work, we'll need to schedule him for outpatient surgery at the hospital. The procedure will be done in Youngstown (damn insurance issues!) on April 14. We also learned he has kidney reflux like Tori and I do, but since he's never had a problem, we don't have to treat it- just monitor for now.
So, because I love pictures- here's my Drama King: (he refuses to look at a camera unless threatened with his life)
Tori, my beautiful, graceful Tori-bird.... Where to begin? Princess Grace was jumping on the bed a couple weeks ago. You know where this is going right? I mean, you know what happened to the monkeys, don't you? Yep, fell off the bed. Right on her pretty, but empty, head. She had a HUGE lump on her head. We iced it and sent her to bed. Kids fall you know? No big deal. She kept telling us "things look fuzzy" but, she's dramatic- I kind of ignored her :( Two days later she got really dizzy and may-or-may-not have passed out in the bathroom, hitting her head on the counter on her way down. So I call her doctor. They tell me she needs seen, but they have no appointments. I take her to Urgent Care- they look at her for about 30 seconds and tell me to take her directly to Children's. Imagine if you can, 3 kids and one mom- ER waiting room on a Friday night. It was a good time. Wait.... I'm confusing myself now. She ended up going to ER twice for this, and now I'm not sure when the second hit to the head was... (now which one of us is truly the brain damaged one?) Anyway, 2 ER visits and one CT scan later showed Miss Tori has no bleeds or fractures- but has a concussion for sure. We have to follow up with the Head Injury clinic on Tuesday. She's still occasionally complaining of her head hurting and being dizzy- but I'm confident these things will resolve with a little time.
I've saved the longest for last. My youngest is ensuring her place as the final baby is secured. Apparently she doesn't understand that there is less than a 1% chance of her being dethroned- gotta a love a girl who refuses to take any chances!
Feeding therapy is going well. Her chewing skills have improved, she drinks well from a bottle and is starting to enjoy her food a little. The weight gain is a slow process, but we're getting there.
We see the gastro doc in a couple weeks to further investigate why eating hurts for Harlow. Her choking seems to be getting worse, and she's getting this cough that's making me think (hope) it's just reflux. She gets very congested when she eats, like you can hear her rattling from across the room- so her therapist wants to get an ENT consult as well. Luckily, thanks to Tori's drama from the Fall we know an excellent ENT.
At her weight check with the pediatrician this week, we discussed her new hernia and her old hip problem. Doc was irritated I didn't bring her in right away when this abdominal hernia showed up a few weeks ago. Whatever. I'm tired and it I didn't think it was an emergency- but I guess I'm a slacker (as you can tell, I've just been lounging about, eating chocolates- I've got NOTHING going on) So off to the General Surgery Department we go. We see them next week- pediatrician told me to expect surgery scheduled pretty quickly after that.
As for the hip, that pesky hip... When Harlow was 6 months old we noticed her left hip popped a lot, and it seemed to hurt her. They did an xray and said she had some thickening of the bone in the growth plate but it was nothing to worry about- just watch it and see if it improved. She wasn't crawling yet, so we let it go. Now, at 13 months, she is crawling and every so often, that leg gives her trouble and she'll stop using it- she's perfected this "tripod crawl" which is super cute, but kind of sad to see that leg just being dragged along for the ride. 98% of the time, she crawls and stands normally, it's just an occasional problem. So crazy-long-story-short, she is now going to an orthopaedic surgeon to have the hip re-evaluated. I think that will also be in April- my calendar is in my purse and I can't keep all this shit straight in my head. I'm hoping she'll be walking soon, but I think she's afraid to- she's pretty smart. Wouldn't eat because it hurt and won't walk until she trusts she won't get hurt.
I had a story about her at Amazone today, but it's taken me over 2 hours just to get this written (I've gotten distracted about 70 times!) I'll be back- but if I forget, please feel free to yell at me!
Monday, February 14, 2011
My daughter, the graceful one
Fast forward through a weekend of crying about her head hurting (like random, out of nowhere shrieking "Oh my god, my head hurts!")
Tonight, my darling Princess Grace smacked her head again, on the bathroom counter, because she was hit with one of those stabby head pains again-- but this time it made her dizzy too.
To my more experienced momma-friends out there- is this the normal progression for a "mild head injury"? Or do I need to call the doctor again? She missed so much school because of her lymph node surgery, I hate to take her out if I don't have to.
So, internet- help me parent, because tonight I'm just not sure what to do!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Yes, I'm a little extra bitchy lately
* I hate winter. With a seething passion. I'm tired of being cold. I'm tired of sweaters and boots. Beyond over wrestling a coat onto Harlow every time we have to leave the house. I understand that for some people this is just an annoyance- but it's honestly traumatic for me. Every winter, it's the same thing. Every year it gets a little harder to cope with. I'm at the point where I really do feel like I'm going to crack and kill someone, just so I can climb inside them to keep warm. I want to hide until the sun comes back out and I can wear sandals again.
* My baby is sick and nobody can tell me why. Everyone just refers her to someone else. Pediatrician to dietitian. Dietitian to rehabilitative services. Rehab to Gastro. Who know where we'll go next? I doubt they'll know either. I know I'm tired of it. Just tell me why my baby can't safely drink anything. Just tell me why it hurts her to eat. For the love of god, please tell me why this is going on? She's so skinny and I feel so bad. It doesn't even have a name, it's just a bizarre collection of symptoms that don't quite fit together. So I can't even say "Harlow has XXXXX, so we will go to the doctor who specializes in XXXXX and s/he will tell me what to do to either cure or at least manage XXXXX"
* I think the big kids must be stir crazy. At least this is what I'm telling myself, because the alternative is "my kids are evil demons from hell that must be destroyed for the safety of all humanity." As you can see, "stir crazy" has a better ring to it. They don't even try to listen to anything we tell them anymore- I can't wait until I can just throw them outside and tell them to come back in the fall. (literally, Tori lives outside all summer- that girl can't get enough of sidewalk chalk and bubbles!)
* I need a vacation. Like a real family vacation. Because of Lonnie's schedule, we've never had one, I've taken the kids to Canada, SC, and WV multiple times by myself. I'm sick of it- I want us all to get away for a while- but with him just (maybe?) starting a new job today, I don't see it in the cards for a long time still. Not to mention, with Harlow having therapy every Friday, plus there are other appointments that will be coming up that we need to work around.... grrr.... I just want to see the ocean again; is that too much to ask?
So I think that sums it up. Yes, I snapped at you the other day. No, I probably won't return your phone call right now. I am aware that I'm being an anti-social a-hole. I'm ok with it. This is how I deal with shit.
Oh, one funny-ish thing did happen this week...
Harlow and I were at the thrift store (because it's my favorite store ever!) and we accidentally went on "Senior Discount Day" OMG- that is a mistake I will NEVER make again. We were probably stopped by little old ladies every 10 feet who wanted to poke at her and tell me all about their grandchildren. Due to my state of increased bitchiness, I also am afflicted with low tolerance for irritation- a dangerous combination. Anyway....
Little Old Lady #72: "Oh what a cute baby! She's just the prettiest thing I've ever seen!"
me: "Thank you" and I try to keep walking, quickly
#72: (grabs cart to steady self while I pray she doesn't fall and break a hip- because honestly, I'd probably laugh and then the whole world would know what an asshole I am)
"How'd you get such a pretty baby?"
me: (ok, am I being accused of stealing this child? Am I so ugly I couldn't possibly have a cute child? What exactly are you questioning here you old bat?)
"Oh she looks like her dad"
At this point, I'm hoping this is the end of the conversation and the dinosaur will go away... BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...
#72: "Well, you're lucky to have an attractive husband so that you get a beautiful baby like this" and she walks away.
Now I'm the one left shaking my head, trying to make sense out of this. What the hell did that mean? I know I'm no supermodel, but seriously? Half the moms I see when we go out are wearing pajama pants and sweatshirts. My hair and makeup were done, I wasn't dressed up, but I looked ok. What the hell just happened?
That's my week. Sick baby. Bratty big kids. Much stress and annoyance. I need a drink.....
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow Bound
Friday, January 28, 2011
Happy Birthday To Sweet Tori Bird!
She's exhausting and never stops talking. There are days I literally want to stab my eardrums with rusty barbed wire rather than listen to another second of her chattering. But she's also genuinely funny- and that's a rare thing in a kid. She sees the world in a way I wish I could- there is still magic hiding behind every corner in Tori's world. I hope she never loses that. She stands up for what she believes in; even when it means losing a friend. Nobody gets away with pushing her around, either!
So, to the coolest 7 year old I know.... I hope you had a very happy birthday. (Party pictures will come later... like after her slacker mom actually schedules the party...)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Harlow's Swallow Test Results
Anyway, onto Miss H. After over an hour of fuckery because some brilliant person lost the order for her test, we finally got her back to radiology and she had her swallow test done.
I was given the opportunity to see a woman and her blind son interact- which may seem like a weird thing to say, but let me explain. When Harlow was born, we thought she was blind. She was like 2 weeks old and I was thinking her life was over- how can you live in a world where you never know the color of the grass or see the bunny hopping across the yard? I watched this woman help her son play with his toys and it hit me that even though I had thought at one time being born blind would have been a horrible sentence, this mom and son were put in my path to show me it wasn't a bad thing. She played with him differently than I play with my children, but different isn't always a bad thing. To show me that even when we assume to know where a path will lead us, until we walk it ourselves, we don't know.
So anyway, back to Harlow's test. Lonnie was the one to feed her the bottle of barium, because she takes a bottle better for him and he has much more bottle practice than I do! It was pretty cool for me, because I got to stand behind everyone where I could actually watch the test on the screen. The first thing they had her drink was a thin liquid barium, which shows up black on the screen. We watched her little tongue work to get the liquid out and then she'd swallow. I've never seen one of these tests done before, so I had no clue what I was looking at- but even I knew it wasn't right. The liquid would attempt to go down one side of her throat, then get pushed out and over to the other side where it would go down. Next they gave her something a little thicker and without hesitation it went straight down the first side, and she started to choke and gag.
Basically what this means is that anything with a thin or only slightly thick consistency is being aspirated right into her lungs (which was the "first side" I was seeing on the xray). They also gave her pudding and a cookie, which I think were ok, but those were harder to tell (at least for me, who had no idea what I was looking for)
The official word for it is dysphagia. Basically it's a general term that means "swallowing disorder". They said this explains why she isn't gaining weight properly- because she knows it's not safe to swallow. All this time, I just thought she didn't have a big appetite- poor baby is probably always hungry, but afraid to eat! How horrible is that? Apparently hers is fairly severe but we've been super lucky because it can cause all kinds of lung infections and she's barely ever been sick- and never with anything in her lungs. Lots of things can cause it, but sometimes it's a condition all by itself. We'll have to have some more tests done to figure out what exactly is going on.
Moving on to how we manage it though. This is the part that really sucks and I'm really struggling with. As of right now, she is not allowed to eat any finger foods. The only foods she's allowed to have are thin purees. They gave us this thickener stuff that's the consistency of honey that has to be added to every liquid she drinks. This means 2 things. First, the bottles she normally uses are no longer ok, because she can't get this thick stuff through the nipple- we have to use special bottles. Second, they want me to stop breastfeeding her because obviously there is no way to thicken that. I don't know what to do about that. I'm actually really devastated over it, and not quite able to articulate why. I'm going to have to think on this one for a little bit and then speak to the nutritionist. I can start pumping full time, but I already hate the once a day I have to do it at work, and I don't think she's going to be willing to take a bottle from me... Ugh, this is starting to feel kind of overwhelming and I have so many questions rolling around in my head.
All things considered, I know it's not BAD news, it's just news I wasn't expecting. And somehow in my twisted mind, this all wraps up with seeing the blind boy in the waiting room. I really feel like he was a sign, we were put in that room together for a reason; I was supposed to take something away from that experience... I just can't quite place my finger on WHAT.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
**Warning** Tearjerker
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The first of many lists of things I hate
Monday, January 17, 2011
Processing Harlow's Birth, One Year Later
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Success! She Ate!
As you can see, she loved it! She even ate off a spoon too- and laughed the entire time.
But then there were green beans in her ears, so I got to play control freak again....
Ahh, clean baby! And she even brushed her teeth :-)
(oh yeah, in case you haven't figured it out- I just learned how to add pictures last night, LOL)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Update On Harlow
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
SNOW DAY! And then a whole lotta whining...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The 1st Of Many Parenting Whines
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Post Where You Learn Why I've Given Up On Humanity
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Let Me Explain
- (obviously) “Stop coloring on your sandwich” said to my dear Tori bird when she was about 4 and decided she simply HAD to have pretty bread.
- “Get the dog's foot out of your mouth”
- “No, we cannot put the screaming baby back my belly. It hurt like hell getting her out, you're stuck with her”
- “Go get a Mr. Clean sponge and clean that up. And for the love of all that's holy- STOP WIPING BOOGERS ON THE WALL”
- “Who put the dog in the fish tank?”
- “...And you thought painting the carpet with Balmex was a good thing?”
- “Why is there piss on the toilet seat AGAIN?”
- “Yes I know zombies are cool. But your obsession with them is why none of the other PTA moms will play with me”
- “How fucking hard is it to flush a toilet? GAWD!”
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Post Where I Introduce Myself To The Internet
So. This is a blog, huh? You're all going to come rushing to read my innermost thoughts? Hmm. Am I narcissistic enough to have a blog? Am I even going to keep up with it? I tend to forget projects mere moments after I begin them. Can I stop checking my damn facebook page long enough to even type an entire paragraph? Yes, apparently so. Probably not. Certainly not- if I can't sit through a red light without checking facebook, how in the hell could I ever expect to avoid it for more than 15 seconds when the computer is right here on my lap?
Let's just get all the “fine print” out of the way now. I curse. Excessively and unapologetically. All of my favorite words would make George Carlin give me a standing ovation. I have 3 children who I love more than anything. But they get on my nerves from time to time and I have no problem being very vocal about that. No matter how many times I say I want to lock them in the garage- I won't do it. I promise. Don't call CSB- they're fine.
I over use parethesis. My favorite way to end a thought? “...” I love this little dashy thing “-” too. These things all will eventually make you want to hunt me down and beat me to death with a grammar book. I am sorry for this, but it's like an illness, I can't control it.
There are millions of blogs out there and we here at “Stop Coloring On Your Sandwich!” are ever so grateful you've chosen us to be your blog. Literally millions of blogs. All with people who think they are the most funny, most intelligent or just generally The Shit and therefore must share their wit, wisdom, ect. With the rest of us peons. So why would I feel the need to add to that? What could I possibly have to add that nobody else has already said? The short answer is- Nothing. I have nothing new/special/interesting to add. Apparently however I just adore myself so much I have to share ME with all of you. You're welcome.