Has is seriously been over a month since I posted here? Dear God, I am SUCH a slacker! My apologies, I'm sure you all had your lives on hold, desperately refreshing your blogger dashboards, just praying for an update.
umm... Well this is how I picture it and since it's my blog I'll do what I want!
I do have a good excuse for my absence, if it helps at all...
Excuse #1: Tyler got sick again. He spent a week at Children's Hospital, then came home for a week, then spent a week in a hospital in Youngstown. Seeing how that is an hour away from here, that made for quite the horrific experience. Wish I could say he's "better" but.... well, every day is a struggle for him. While I don't feel any need to vomit his personal details all over the internet, I also don't think there is any reason to hide his condition. The official dx is "major depressive disorder, recurrent, with psychosis." The most important thing to say about this is he is NOT psychotic. The depression is so severe, it causes psychotic symptoms. He will be ok, but it will be a life long struggle for him. We're doing what we can to support him; but it is damn near impossible to be a good support system to someone who alternates between being desperately afraid to leave your side one minute and the next despises you with a homicidal rage that seems beyond human.
Excuse #2:
I got a second job. So I'm working 3 days a week at the promotional products distributor and 2-3 days a week at a retail store. The store is pretty special- it's a "high end boutique" that specializes in crystals, jewelry, hand made truffles and henna. We do events weekly that include henna body art, palm readings and tarot card readings. It has a strong internet presence, and a very passionate local following. Oh yeah, and there are ghosts. So I'm loving it. It's great that I've got this opportunity to have 2 jobs that are so wildly different, but I sincerely enjoy them both.
Excuse #3:
How about just the fact that I have a husband, 3 kids, 3 pets and a house? They all need constant attention and there are only so many hours in a day! If you truly feel your life isn't complete without the benefit of my daily blogging, I suggest you get your ass over here and do a load of laundry... Or dishes.. I'm not picky, just come clean something please! And on your way, stop at the grocery store- we've been eating out every day for the past month because I just can't manage to drag my lazy self to the store.
Well, I could keep making excuses, but I think you get the idea. Instead of figuring out how to put an amusing spin on my daily interactions with the fucktards of the world, I'm spending the little bit of time I have to myself in the evenings watching re-runs of "Roseanne" and stuffing my face with nachos. And oh yeah, it's rained for a month. Every.damned.day.for.a.month. Nothing sucks the sense of humor out of me faster than dreary, cold rain.
My next venture is attempting to do henna body art. I will post photos so you can all laugh at my feeble attempts at creating art. My sweet daughter has volunteered to be a human canvas for me- poor little girl has no idea momma can't even draw stick figures!